• Sun Lakes State Park (map)

Troop Camping & Fishing Trip in Sun Lakes, WA (3.5 hr drive).

*IMPORTANT* Due to the distance we'll have to travel to get there, we will be leaving at 2:00 pm that Friday from the Rainier Beach Community Center Which means the Scouts will need to take off a full day of school for this. The state provides us with a very large green camping area and playground on the lake away from the crowd.

  • Needed: sleeping bags, clothes, extra shoes, sun glasses (to protect eyes from fish hooks). Troop will provide group breakfast, lunch and dinner Saturday, and breakfast Sunday.

  • All Scouts can participate in the Troop’s Fishing Derby contest at lunch Saturday. (Prizes for biggest, longest, and most fish)

  • Scouts will organize a fun Saturday night campfire.

  • We depart for Seattle on Sunday morning about 11 am.

  • Generally it is cool and sunny during this annual late April event and for the past two years, every Scout caught a fish.